School Quality Measures Resources

Research and Publications

Adding “Student Voice” to the Mix: Perception Surveys and State Accountability Systems

This study, published in AERA Open, examines the ways in which including student survey results might alter state accountability determinations. Reconstructing the accountability system in Massachusetts, the authors draw on a unique set of student survey data. Findings suggest student survey data shift school accountability ratings in small but meaningful ways and appear to enhance functional validity.

Beyond ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’: Disrupting Narratives about School Quality

In this piece, published in Kappan, the authors explain how state accountability systems don’t give a complete picture of schools’ strengths and weaknesses. Instead, they reflect community demographics and the inequitable distribution of resources. inequitable distribution of resources.

The (Mis)measure of Schools: How Data Affect Stakeholder Knowledge and Perceptions of Quality

This study, published in Teachers College Record, finds that more holistic and comprehensive data systems lead to more highly valued information and greater confidence in the quality of the schools.

Resources and Tools

School Quality Measures Data Dashboard

The SQM Data Dashboard visualizes the SQM framework. The framework has been built around multiple measures, which include academic, social-emotional, and school culture indicators, in order to piece together a fairer and more comprehensive picture of school performance. It consists of five major categories.

School Quality Measures Framework

This short document provides an overview of the categories that make up the SQM framework.

Overview of Student & Educator Surveys

Student and educator surveys are a key component of the SQM framework. This document provides an overview of the survey questions for each category in the SQM framework. It also includes previews of our current survey offerings.