School Quality Measures

What is SQM?
SQM moves beyond test scores to reimagine how school quality is understood and measured. By drawing on a broad set of indicators that reflect school culture, student opportunity to learn, and social-emotional outcomes, SQM reflects the full range of what schools do. Just as importantly, SQM offers tools and practices designed to foster deeper understandings of school performance. Rather than offering summative evaluations of schools, SQM promotes inquiry and reflection about areas of strength and areas for growth.
Why SQM?
By offering a fuller picture of schools, and by creating opportunities to better understand school performance, SQM takes a new approach to data use. SQM data can be used to drive continuous improvement by identifying school strengths and areas for growth. Because our dashboard allows school leaders to disaggregate data according to student race, gender and grade level, the SQM dashboard can be a critical part of district efforts to work towards greater educational equity.